25 August, 2007

Smile with Friends

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living! - Amanda Bradley

1. Thanks Thomas the bro, for the burnt CD.

2. Thanks BaoLian the babe, for the damnfreakingexpenisve textbook.

3. And of course, thanks Ah-hua the butt, for the sweet-lovely cupcakes.

Very often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring and sharing, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Little actions like this made me smile from the heart and felt much appreciated. I heart friends.


And so thursday was great. Went swimming with GuoLiang, and headed towards NTU to find MeiHua and BaoLian. Managed to saw Kris, but where's Kok Guan who's turning 25?!?!! Haha. See you people on Monday! =) KTVing with Tingz and Hua at Kbox, and I'm seriously need to frequent there more. I've totally lost tracked of new chinese songs, lol. But I still love the singing session with soulmates. Heh.

Today was a Bachelor's night-out with the guys. Had dinner at Holland Village, before heading towards dempsey hill for coffee. We ended up in this super nice cafe called "PS" that serves fabulous desserts. Though a short meet, it's still great that we are still updating our lives and remain close after 10 freaking long years. A bond since 1997, a friendship that lasts 10 years and still counting on. From boys we became men, but the tie still remains. And there will be many more 10 years to count on. =) Our laughs are limitless. Our memories are countless. Our friendship is endless.

And, I still didn't managed to eat my Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!! Hahaa, shoutout to Thomas and Peiyan, and the rest of the uni cliques, "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!! ICE CREAM!!!". Alvin should skip tuition for once, Zhenyun we can wait for a week... Keke. And talking about that, when are we MJ-ing?!?!?!?!?!

True friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

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