07 September, 2007

Pouring the Stress Away

It's not an easy task to act cheerful and happy on the outside, when deep inside, the tears are actually flowing uncontrollably.

It's hard being stressed out and desperately need a shoulder to cry on, but yet got to appear strong and jovial as that's what people brand you as.

I had a great night run today. A long slow run from my-house-to-clementi-and-back-to-my-house to readjust my thoughts of current situation. I felt really helpless with schoolwork these days, and never have enough time for the tutorials. Boo. I read finished chapters and chapters of lecture notes (today), only to find out I know nothing while trying to attempt those tutorial questions. Molecular Biology wasn't as fun as I used to think it is, Biochemistry is still as detestable as ever. Passionate in life sciences doesn't mean I could excel in it, and I know I can't. It is just not in me. Somehow, I missed the old (poly) days, my freedom, and my happy-go-lucky nature. Saw a shooting star when running back just now, and I made a wish. And I hope it will be a wish come true.

Physiology CA coming up next...

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