08 October, 2007

Not too Positive About Life and Dreams

I accidently just squeezed a quarter of a bottle of moisturizer on my hand that I dunno what to do with it. So I applied it onto my face, and it look extremely white now. If I wake up tomorrow with a flawless face with acnes all gone, I will recommend it to u guys. *bleahz* $$$$$$! *sobz*

School was extremely bad, and I'm definitely a slow worker. Food n Health assignment was such a chore that took up most of my time for the week. Biochem Test on tues was such a failure that I think I should give up on myself entirely. I swore I put in 100% effort and it wasn't the most difficult paper I ever sat for. But my mind just went blank. The 40% M.Bio this coming friday saw me only completing a chapter out of 10. Agrhhhh, and now, my mind was hypnotizing me that I shouln't study so hard in case history repeats by itself. I'm so dead! If things continue this way, my dream of going for Masters at the desired university in Australia will be a no-no.

Met up with Fiona and guys for Alex's birthday celebration yesterday. The event was kind of chui, and I dunno what I can do about it. I'm just sorry. Sidetracked, Darren was saying during the dinner about how the more we study, the lesser the probability that we will come out to venture our business. And he said it rather randomly about a meeting we once had, and a dream we once shared. Sadly, years back, 18, 19 or so, Darren, Hua, Tingz and I did had a dream.

Four just-grown-kids sat in the TCC at Millenia Walk one day. They had a meeting that was planned and opening a cafe was their agenda for the day. The ideal cafe was branded, characterized with a theme, and even the target groups was selected. Each of us had our own position(s). Hua will be the PR manager since she loves to communicate. Tingz will be the FnB manager since she will be in charge of the main dishes and pastries after learning it in Italy. Darren could be the advertising and accounting manager since he manages money reasonably well, and we think he is good looking enough to be the spokeperson for the cafe. Then I shall be the coffee connoisseur (since I will be going italy too for coffee studies) and HR manager since they rated me as someone who do things orderly and well-organised with rules and regulations (not flexible lah!). But I'm happily accepting the position coz I will be able to select all the waitresses myself and I promised myself no waiters, hurhur).

I told Darren, "Yes, we will do that in years time after we graduate." He replied with a nod, "Yeah, after we get our very own capital." I gave a silent nod, and visualized that faraway dream that is still so distant and blur. A dream? A hope? I hope we will make it there.

And now, I seriously hate growing up.

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