10 November, 2007

Exam Stress

I knew I'm having exam stress when I have:

1. Red swollen eyes.
2. Pimples oozing.
3. Insomia, with ketogenesis and glucaneogenesis haunting me.
4. Bad sleeping habit. Woke up at nights, slept in the days.
5. A change in appetite. EATING more then usual!!! Damn! This is the worst of all.

Have a nice chat with Zen on friday, and was happy to hear from him again after 800 years! haha. Army days... no brain cracking activities (e.g. studying), the worst could have been doing COS duties and saikang. Somehow, I miss those days. But having the idea of going back to serve for another 4 months just stop me. Human are just contradicting creatures.

Appreciated the call from WeiHao and sms from Jun today. Little actions like these make me smile for the day. =)

Back to the books. I'm a slow turtle.

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