03 July, 2009


Current Mood: Confused
Current Song: I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Current Read: My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

I am back here blogging after weeks of so called "blogger-block". My so called "live life to the fullest" life has been uneventful ever since I joined army three weeks ago.

Speaking about the weekdays, I wake up at 0545hrs every morning, book in camp at 0745hrs and out of camp at 1730hrs on a daily basics, reach home at bout 1930hrs every evening and sleep at bout 2200hrs every night. The back and forth journey from Nee Soon Camp is driving me nuts. It's just crazy. Seriously, I have the thoughts to ask for a stay-in, but I didn't eventually. You know, I can't be that dumb afterall. Haha.

Met up with the boys last Friday. Japanese buffet dinner at Hanabi, the walk to Dempsey from Serene Centre, the coffee session at Barracks, wooooooo I really love that. Just a simple affair but its heartwarming. 12 years friendship and still counting on... That day we were discussing about how different we were, but yet how we managed to click. Some are more egoistic, and some are more accomodating, that's why we can blend in to one another. And that stupid GL even commented that I am accomodating on the outside, but definitely not that on the inside! Put it simple: "Act act only lah!!!". Haha. Generally, I would have agreed to their initial plans, but then will start to curse and swear them when their suggestions turn out to be lousy. Don't get me wrong, Im not that demanding... Just that in front of them and many other close friends (who u know who u are), I do not need to put up a fake smile, do not need to show my best behaviour, do not need to say the politically correct answers. I can just sit back, relax and keep quiet and not worrying that they might think I am anti-social or angry. They know I am probably daydreaming somewhere to my lalaland.

Hence, I actually hate social events/big group outing at times whereby I have to wear a fake smile, show how friendly I am, give the very politically correct answers, or making all the effort to crack up in a conversation which I'm not interested in. Cause probably I am an old eccentric man who need to be alone at times. Read: LONER. (meaning) a person who avoids or does not actively seek human interaction or prefers to be alone. There are many reasons for solitude, intentional or otherwise, and "loner" implies no specific cause. Yet contrary, part of me just love to socialize, meet more people, have more parties and just simply have more fun. Sounds like I have dissociative identity disorder, or simply put.. Splilt personality... No?!

Nonetheless, July would be fun fun fun. Cause it's SEAH MUIHUI, aka hua hua, alias Florrie, my butt, my buddy, my best-gal-friend-forever's birthday month!!! Haha, tks for the stuffs from Hongkong babe! I love them all, esp the red wine! *Slurps*In addition, bro KG is back from New Hamsphire and PoH will be back from Canada! Double the people, double the fun! Haha. Last but DEFINITELY not the LEAST, a belated birthday dinner for IRENE CHAN AI LING, who is forever too busy to meet us. =(

116 days left to go... =)

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