16 December, 2008

Malacca Trip

Current Mood: Relax
Current Song: 捕夢人-潘裕文
Current Read: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold


Just came back from an impromptu self-drive car trip from Malacca with some of the family members. Nothing interesting there, probably just some nice heritage tours to follow, but the foods there were GOOD(!). Tried the famous Hainanese Chicken Ball Rice, Satay Celup, Melaka Assam Laksa, but my favorite still goes to Chendol with the superb black sugar syrup. It was orgasmic.

Clockwise from top left: Chicken Ball Rice, Assam Laksa, Satay Celu and Chendo.

The Heritage Tour

Random pictures.

Mr. Watermelon Man
The one and only thing I bought from Malacca.
The shopping there was WORST then Singapore!

Home sweet home.

Besides the Malacca trip, the lifestyle after exams has been relaxing. It basically involves of catching up with friends I haven't meet for a long time, WII-ing with the brother, babysitting little Bryce, as well as practicing VAMPIRE-ISM (Haha, I have been sleeping at 8am everyday in the morning, and wake up at 12mn ever since the school holiday starts).

Random pictures just uploaded from my handphone:


Bryce again.

Bryce being kissed.

Bryce being hugged.

In the arms of 外公.

Aftermath of studying too much (1): Good luck for exam?
Wear red, eat red, and have a red head.

Aftermath of studying too much (2): Can't memorize facts?!?
Take a picture using a hand phone and look at it whenever u go.

E.g. In the toilet when u poo.

I wish December never ends,
January never comes.
Dread school.

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