26 August, 2008

BlooD!!! Agrhhh.

Feeling: Pang sai kor bia
Read: Human physiology notes on blood

The damn bloody notes on blood is damn bloody difficult to digest. Bloody hell. Nuff said, I should have attend the lecture this morning. =) Opps.

Today I spilled a whole gel tray of TBE buffer containing Ethidium Bromide onto my feet. Fuck, and the worst could have been, I was wearing scandals!!! I think I'm cursed to have cancer in fifty years down the road with those carcinogenic Ethidium Bromide leftovers pierced through my skin, sept through the skin cells and cell proliferation occurred.

Haha, I exaggerated a little. But the feeling really sucks, and make sure I will wear covered shoes for the remaining lab sessions!!! =)

My momentum to study is not back yet. =(
(Or maybe it was never there, haha)

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