19 October, 2007

The Week

To perceive is to suffer.
How ironical it is.
Heals the shattered heart.
Dries the weeping tears.
Everything will turn up fine.

To fall in love is awfully simple,
To fall out of love is simply awful.
But love is unconditional,
Relationships are not.
Nothing is possible between the impossible.

The greatest pain that comes from love,
Is loving someone you can never have.

The week was quite an emotional week for me, especially the monday. Had a late night talk with a friend on Sunday night, and was affected somehow. The broken heart will heal, but the soul might not. That's the reality about love. To me, I love wholeheartedly with no returns. Seeing the person I like in bliss or surviving well is the happiest thing to me. Yeah, sound way like a loser, but love can't be forced, and I knew the situation way too clear. I was to her, nothing more then just a good friend. But I'm contended this way. =) Is enough to make me smile for the day to see her happy, taken her three meals and leading her life positively. Was shopping with Jun after the mon interview at intercruises with Alvin and Christine. Didn't buy anything, but dropped my hair. Yeah, I had a haircut. Whenever I feel not too good, I will cut my hair. A way of escapism I guess.

Tuesday was a full day in school, and I love wednesday. Prof Ip's practicals are way too fun. Is like back-to-pri-school science experiments, just that things are covered more in depth. And I guess it was this - the most basic and interesting stuffs in Biology that attracts me to science since I was a young kid. Not DNA polymerase nor the kerb's. Finally had my therapeutic swim after pract, and it was great; my back started to hurt again ever since I stopped it for two weeks plus. Went for cardio-exercise class with the buddies after school, and I feel good with their company. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. I contended to have a couple of them. =)

Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.

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